Q&A: Dan Antopolski

1. What is your family situation? Infant overlords. 2. Do you ever have doubts about your work? Of course. 3. What's the best ...

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 04 Aug 2008

1. What is your family situation?
Infant overlords.

2. Do you ever have doubts about your work?
Of course.

3. What's the best heckle you've ever had? "You haven't worked much since Rentaghost."

4. How often do you visit comedy clubs as a member of the audience?
Never. Christ!

5. Describe yourself in three words.
Mandatory In Scotland.

6. What do you do to wind down?
Lecture tramps.

7. How do you keep fit?
Escape tramps.

8. What did you have for breakfast?
Coco Pops.

9. What's your secret talent?
Arab Springs.

10. Can you switch off from work?
Apparently not.

11. Do you sleep with your mouth open or shut? Chewing manically.

12. How many times do you look in the mirror every day? Mmmmmm, pardon?