Comprising upwards of nine red-suited musical troublemakers (more may have been hidden amongst the audience and in the rafters amongst the lights), local collective OdS’ triumphant and flamboyant return to the Seagull Tent is a joy to behold.
The beer hall aesthetic perfectly suits their rambunctious and frantic cocktail of Balkan laments, klezmer, belly dances, “Calypso Collapso”, waltzes and polka, and before long the dance floor begins to bounce with the vibrations of stomping feet. Making full use of the stage, the Orkestra creep up and edge their way into the solo mic spot. The infectious enthusiasm of the band stirs the crowd to polka. Faster, and faster, and faster. With a combination of storytelling and dance, the Orkestra work the audience up into a super-skank frenzy.