He may look awkward, dress badly and sound a bit too southern to be the Yorkshire man he says he is but Nick Doody leads a rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Honest. The drink, the drugs, the cumming blood and the regular digital rectal examinations: it’s all there.
Having made quite an entrance with his first solo Edinburgh show last year, Doody returns with more bitter complaining about the British tendency to take offence all too easily. With a disregard for decency that would have the laughter of his late mentor Bill Hicks roaring up from the nothingness of his atheist afterlife, Doody sets about dismantling any hang-ups we may hold onto about masturbating, MDMA and paedophilia.
Playing the Pleasance Baby Grand, Doody struggles to cope with an audience much smaller than those he's used to. But as he ploughs through gaps where he would normally expect at least a few seconds of sniggering, he reveals the quick comedic mind that has earnt him such a successful career thus far. Climaxing hilariously on his theme of masturbation, claiming that we have all been "wanked over" at some time, Doody leaves the audience happy enough with their investment – except perhaps the eight year-old boy on the front row.