Books Festival Do's and Don'ts

Do’s - Prepare for the sartorial excesses of the book festival with a saunter down charity shop mile, South Clerk Street. Think corduroy and le...

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 05 Aug 2007


- Prepare for the sartorial excesses of the book festival with a saunter down charity shop mile, South Clerk Street. Think corduroy and leather patches.

- Pick and choose widely. Nothing beats the sense of having been there first with an up-and-coming scribblist.

- Take advantage of book trade in the festival village. It’s cheap, independent and helps to fund next year’s events.


- Heckle. This ain’t the fringe, pal. Audience participation is to be kept to a minimum of ‘ums’, ‘aahs’ and vigorous strokes to the chin

- Hold a lighter aloft at tender moments. Nothing spoils a book like a sprinkler.

- Be surprised by the presence of a famous face or two. Notoriously, the book festival draws celebs like moths to that old proverbial flame.