Even in the howling gales of an Edinburgh summer there is something magical about watching an outdoor performance. Set in Dean Gardens, a private park which sits in delectable prettiness under the stern arc of Dean bridge, A MidsummernightsTree promises a lovely evening. Break dancers, acrobats, singers and a clown all come together for a circus extravaganza - and perform in, around, under and even on top of the trees.
While this show is hardly Shakespeare there is barely even a nod towards the infamous English bard - it is impressive to watch. In one act an exquisite, elfin girl dressed in leafy green drifts delicately on her swing while serenaded by a strip-dancing suitor. In another a young man wraps himself in a dangling red sash, falling and twisting from the trees with gravity-defying beauty. These tree-top performers are set off by a trio of breakdancers, who perform impressive back-crunching feats to an upbeat hip-hop soundtrack.
A MidsummernightsTree escalates from the silly to the spectacular, providing hypnotic entertainment that is fun and bursting with energy. I walked away enchanted.